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The Matoon Challenge was the first day of the AVC race.

Due to weather AVC ran two races this year, one on Sunday (Matoon Challenge) and one on Monday (AVC).

Race #  Aircraft  Pilot Total Time Avg. Speed MPH

Unlimited Class

28 Glasair III Jeff Ludwig and Peggy Colt 0:53:53 240.73

Turbine Class

104 Turbine Legend Marty Abbott 0:34:22 377.44

Sport Class

5 Lancair Legacy Lee & Jay Behel 0:42:54 302.36
30 SX-300 Harry Hinckley 0:43:01 301.54
10 SX-300 Keith Phillips and Mike Kubes 0:47:40 272.13
60 SX-300 James Cianci Jr. 0:48:04 269.86
313 Glasair III Vicky Benzing & Michael Brown 0:50:03 259.17
2 Lancair Legacy 2000 Alan Crawford 0:50:04 259.08

Sport FX Class

334 Venture Dan & Daniel McElroy 0:54:30 238.01
14 F-1 Rocket Wayne Hadath 0:55:25 234.07
39 F-1 Rocket John Andersen 1:01:43 210.18

Formula RG Blue

38 Lancair 360 Mark Quinn 0:56:40 228.91
360 Lancair 360 Tom Anderson 1:00:56 212.88

Formula FX Blue

91 Glasair I TD Bruce Hammer 0:52:27 247.31
73 Glasair I TD Steve Hammer 0:54:16 239.03

Formula FX Red

37 Wittman W-10 Red Hamilton & Marilyn Boese 0:58:33 221.54

RV Gold

17 RV-8 R. Damon Ring 1:00:35 214.11

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