From time to time you've seen data logger tracks published,
and here's another. It's my own track from the Grace Flight race, and it's a mess. I provide it for
entertainment and also for educational purposes.
The data logger I use is built by GlobalSat, model DG-100.
Those of use who play with these things have found it to be one of the better units on the market - other brands seem to loose
satellite lock in the turns. The DG-100 has proven to be rock solid by several of us who use them.
If you
decide to use a logger as a tool for evaluating your races and determining what you need to work on, I highly recommend it.
Accept no substitutes!
This logger is widely available at $70. Here are some links that are valid as of today:
This track of leg 1, from the start to turn point 1,
shows both a lack of planning and poor execution. Knowing I had a turn immediately on the start, and knowing
the airplane doesn't turn on a dime, perhaps I should have shaded the way point South a bit. Compounding the mistake,
I chased the course line, overshot, and then snaked my way to turn 1.
In all of these tracks I've added a
straight line from point to point - the shortest distance around the course. * This is not what you will fly!
The Leg 2 track shows more of the same, but since the
distance was shorter, I had less time to get off track.
The track of Leg 3 is a little more controlled.
Actually not bad. For me.
Leg 4 was way bad!
This is a look at Leg 4 from the finish line perspective. I know how I'll fix this in the future (yes, John) but I leave it as an excercise for the student (you) to come up a
solution on your own.