The Friday arrival wasn't so bad. Here's
Race 58, "Pesky!"

Saturday morning was a different scene. An early race
was not to be.

Here our Race Host, Chris Murphy, Race 34! shows an airport
staff member how to use the timing sighting device. Hey! we're High Tech!

Since we didn't race before the airshow as planned, we
got to watch while we waited. Did you know they have a new airplane-car conversion? They hang this truck under
a Piper Cub... after landing, the pilot jumps down into the truck and drives the whole thing away! Cool, huh?

Wayne Hadath, Mark Frederick and Ed Pearl contemplate the

Bye, Tom! See you next time!

Arthur Mott, Marvin Guthrie, Bruce Chapman, John Dawson -
the East Coast Beechcraft Boys

Terry Hines and son

The flight home. If you're flying in this scenery
and you don't get it, sell your plane and take up knitting.