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The Art Of Cross Country Air Racing is a book that should have a place on the bookshelf of every racer, and every Race Director.
Ten years of direct racing and hosting experience plus several tens of years of others' racing experience went into the creation of this work.
All of the hows and whys of Sport Air Racing are documented, with photos and diagrams to help you run as fast as your aircraft will allow.
As a racer, the machine is but a part of your performance on the course - you have to know how to make the best use of your equipment, recognize its weaknesses and plan to mitigate them, and at the same time plan to capitalize on its strengths.
As a Race Director, this book will give you valuable insight into the design of safe and challenging race courses, how to plan the event, and how to execute the plan in a safe and efficient manner.
You will also learn how to score the results using an Excel spreadsheet.
All of the proceeds from this book will be poured right back into the League to help afford this web site, equipment and other race goodies down the road.
The cost is $25 cash, check or Paypal (Buy Now button below).
Send your check to:
Pat Purcell
945 Short Rd.
Sadler, TX 76264
Access to the book download is password protected pending payment. You will receive the password via email after payment is received, then you will come back to this page and use the "Access the Book" link below to download it.
We hope you enjoy this book, and put its lessons to good use!
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