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2024 Cleburne Air Race

The race is to be held at Cleburne TX, KCPT Saturday Nov. 9th.

Note: SARL Membership and Insurance COI Required

I am Racing!
New Member Registration

Updated 11-8-24:
CAR Arrival Information
CAR Long Course Briefing
CAR Short Course Briefing

Race Registration List

Schedule (revised):
9:00-12:00 Pilot Check-in
11:45-12:30 Lunch
12:30 Pilot Briefing
1:30 Race Launch!
3:00 Awards

$60 entry fee includes, box lunch and trophies for the top 3 finishers in each class. Additional guest box lunch can be added for $15 at time of check-in.

Email James Redmon, Race Director at with any questions.

Happy Hour/Retro Arcade & Pizza Dinner in private dining area!
Friday Evening, Nov 8th, 6:00 PM

Soulfire Brewing Co. & Retro Arcade
6 N Caddo St.
Cleburne,TX 76031
(Gluten free crust/salads available)
Soulfire Pizza Menu
SoulFire Brews
SoulFire Wine Menu
Retro Arcade/Gameroom with 40-50 games, pool, darts, etc.

Room block and special rate has been setup for us:

Liberty Hotel (Downtown Square, Very Nice Hotel)
205 S. Caddo St.
Cleburne, TX 76031
Registration: 817-556-3700
Identify as “Cleburne Air Race” group

We will be shuttling folks to/from the hotel Friday and Sat morning pre-race. It’s easy walking distance to the dinner restaurant.

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