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Collins Race Timer
This is a Windows GPS timer application driven by a small, inexpensive GPS antenna. The timer will show current time (in GMT - so no time zone issues) with sub-second resolution, and has the capability of saving up to four time hacks. Each time the space bar is pressed, the time is captured and shown in a "Time Hack" window to be easily recorded while still showing the time. Press the space bar again, the last time hack is pushed down becoming "Time Hack-1" and the most recent shows in the "Time Hack" window. This will continue until "Time Hack -" is pushed off the screen, and the four most recent time hacks are displayed.
The Collins Timer was written and provided free of charge by one of our own, Dennis Collins, Race 90!
This timer opens up lots of possibilities for races to actually be cross country races from point A to point B.
I don't know if this is how other folks do their timing, but they might want to look at this timer.
I have given a link to the company and model that I used to do my beta testing of the timer, but any GPS antenna (and some GPS nav units) that outputs the correct GPS standard NMEA sentence will work, as long as you can get it connected to your laptop. The antenna I used has a USB port connection and includes a driver to install and a utility to configure it.
Race Results Spreadsheet
Once the race is run and you have recorded start times and finish times for each racer, the best way to get race results is to use a spreadsheet.
I have made available the Excel spreadsheet we used for the 2017 Indy Race - entrants, times and all.
The tab, Results By Time, gives the entire field in descending order of finish. A little Excel magic will yield the page, Results by Class.
Right-click the link and "Save Link As"
You can use any spreadsheet software to do this same thing. Indy Results 2017.xls
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