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Payments made by check are encouraged, since SARL will be able to deposit the full amount of the payment. Checks should be made out to -
318 Inverness Drive,
Trophy Club, Texas 76262
Full SARL membership fee of $130.
As a paid, FULL member of SARL, you will reserve your aircraft race number. As race numbers can be very personal, veteran racers who may already have a race number will be given the right of first refusal before their number goes to someone else. The SARL team will reserve the right to resolve race number conflicts. The best course of action is to join and lock in your number. You will be eligible to participate in all SARL races for the 2023 season and accumulate points for national titles.
Provisional SARL membership fee of $30.
As a paid PROVISIONAL member, you can participate in one SARL race, be assigned a race number, and not accumulate points toward a national championship title. The provisional membership allows a new racer to try SARL at a lower financial cost. Should you decide to join us for additional races, you’ll need to purchase the remainder of a full membership fee (an additional $100.00). An insurance COI is still required to race, even once.
Upgrade from a Provisional, to a Full SARL membership fee for $100.
Payments made by check are encouraged, since SARL will be able to deposit the full amount of the payment. Checks should be made out to -
318 Inverness Drive,
Trophy Club, Texas 76262
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