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All these links take you Jo Hunter's site, futurshox.net. No Race Memories were posted directly to the SARL website in 2012. We hope to get some up here in due course, but for now Jo hopes you enjoy these pictures.
SARL Rocket 100 Air Race, 10-11-2012
The final race of the season combined with a fly-in brought plenty of folks out to enjoy aviation.
SARL Jasper Air Race, 27-10-2012
A cold and bright morning saw a fine air race and some interesting local aircraft.
SARL Cleveland Air Race, 13-10-2012
A fine day out at the races.
AirVenture Cup Air Race, 22-07-2012
The finish point of the 400+ mile race, with forty aircraft competing.
SARL Memorial 150 Air Race, 26-05-2012
Sport Air Racers take over Terrell for a splendid morning of racing.
SARL Hill Country 150 Air Race Llano, 21-04-2012
I am not sure if the planes or the wildflowers were more colourful, but this was a great race.
SARL Texoma 100 Air Race, 31-03-2012
30 Racers started the SARL 2012 season in style.
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