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Each (or most) years, an entry into the Hall of Fame has been awarded to those found deserving.
The first entry was Pat Purcell in 2012. I can't find a picture of Pat receiving the award, so here's one of her officiating a race; it is what she does so well.
Next up was Team Axsom, in 2013. Sadly, Bob Axsom passed away only a couple of weeks before he was due to receive his award, preceded by his wife Jean earlier that year. After his passing, the Spring race at Taylor was renamed the Bob Axsom Memorial Air Race. Here, Mike awards their trophy posthumously at the Taylor race.
Pat wasn't about to let Mike's efforts go unrecognised, so in 2014 she presented him with his own Hall of Fame award.
In 2015, League Photographer Jo Hunter was very surprised to be awarded this fabulous camera trophy for her services in recording the League's activities.
Back to worthy racers in 2016, at which time Mike Patey was inducted for his extreme speed and support of the League.
We then have a bit of a gap, due to Covid etc - although if I am missing anybody, please do let us know.
In 2021, Pat ran the SARL Summit at Mount Pleasant, TX and awarded the Hall of Fame to both the Hammer brothers, Bruce and Steve.
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