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We are always looking for people interested in joining our league.
Who Can Join?
Anyone may join the league, pilot or not, aircraft owner or not.. (non-pilots are not charged a membership fee)
Benefits of Joining:
SARL Members:
Register their aircraft once and may use their SARL race number in any SARL-affiliated race (apply numbers once and be done!).
Enjoy the opportunity to race more often, as the League promotes and helps organize races around the country.
Keep track of future race events, and results of completed race events.
Can get in touch with other race nuts across the country.
Keep track of their season League standing for National Championship honors, and
Monitor the opposition!
How Can You Join?
To join all we need is a completed registration and a race number leasing fee of $25.00.
You will have the opportunity to renew your lease for your race number at the beginning of each year.
S.A.R.L. will hold your registration information in confidence, though certain contact details will be available on the Member's Page behind password protection. This will allow members to get in touch with each other, and to see who the competition is.
If you will be racing, you must choose a race number. Duplicates are probable, so just choose one you like.
Current SARL members who are re-newing their race number lease may use this link to go straight to the payment page (provided no contact information has changed in the last year. If there has been a change in address, phone number or email address, please fill out the registration form again).
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