Bruce Hammer Dave Adams James Redmon Mike Bergen Steve Hammer Van Wadsworth

Welcome to the Sport Air Racing League!

Our 2024 Season Sponsors!

US Aviation Academy Spectre Aeronautics Bravo Aviation

2024 Bluegrass 150 Race Results!
2024 Mark Hardin Air Race Classic Results!
2024 Ghost Run Race Results!

News From Our Chairman

Let’s Race! SARL Season News for 2024.

January 2024

I want to start by wishing my fellow air race pilots, race staff, spouses, significant others, and friends a Happy New Year! It’s time to prepare those airplanes and start race day event planning as another great Sport Air Racing League season is upon us! This year is looking even better than the last. Continuing with the ‘rebuilding’ theme, I am thrilled to reveal that we have seven race events and a seemingly increased interest in SARL. The schedule is posted on the left side of this website.

Our premier league sponsor, US Aviation Academy, as well as sponsors Bravo Aviation and Spectre Aeronautics, have jumped back on board and given the League an excellent start toward funding our insurance premium and operating costs. As interest spreads, more sponsors are in the works, and we look to create a more comprehensive marketing strategy for SARL. I repeatedly heard one comment in 2023: ' We didn’t know SARL existed.’ I am working on producing a SARL introductory video, with the possibility of Webinars coming soon. Even as marketing efforts pick up pace, we encourage you to spread the word about what we do. Please join our Sport Air Racing League Facebook Group for up-to-date discussions, celebrations, and pictures. We also have an email group for those not engaging in social media. You can find it here:

TWO VERY SIGNIFICANT ITEMS REMAIN IN EFFECT. First, all SARL race participants must be paid members of the race league as a full or provisional member, and second, all racers must add SARL LLC as an additional insured party on their pilot liability policy. Again, we require each racer to submit a certificate of insurance (COI) BEFORE race day. Last year, it was PROVEN TO BE A SIMPLE PROCESS that your agent should be able to do for you. We’ve even posted on this website a sample email you can copy, paste, and send to your agent—more on the COI below.

As they did in 2023, these prerequisites will eliminate the ability to show up on race day and decide to race. It’s a sad reality, but these changes are conditions for obtaining insurance. Therefore, it will be incumbent upon all of us to spread the word, far and wide, about these new requirements. Again, it’s not hard, and I don’t believe anyone experienced charges for getting a COI.

Membership dues collected will be used primarily for insurance premiums (which are up 5% this year over last) and to cover administrative and business costs, such as this website. Additionally, dues help pay for national category and points awards at the end of the season. None of us are in this to make money, and we donate our time for the love of our sport.

Membership options for 2024:
FULL MEMBER $130.00 per year
As a paid, FULL member of SARL, you will reserve your aircraft race number. As race numbers can be very personal, veteran racers who may already have a race number will get the right of first refusal before their number goes to someone else. The SARL team will reserve the right to resolve race number conflicts. The best course of action is to join and lock in your number. You will be eligible to participate in all SARL races for the 2024 season and accumulate points for national titles.

PROVISIONAL MEMBER $30.00 for one race
As a paid PROVISIONAL member, you can participate in one SARL race, be assigned a race number, and not accumulate points toward a national championship title. The provisional membership allows a new racer to try SARL at a lower financial cost. Should you decide to join us for additional races, you’ll need to purchase the remainder of a full membership fee (an additional $100.00). An insurance COI is still required to race, even once.

We will be adding Zelle to the previous Paypal, Venmo, and Check payment options very soon.

Please note that no refunds of membership dues will be given if a race (or races) cancels.

On behalf of the SARL LLC team, I greatly appreciate your interest in cross-country air racing. As we work hard to rebuild SARL up to and beyond the prominence we enjoyed years ago, and I sincerely hope you will join us at one or more races this season.

Below is a link to complete your membership application, request a race number, and pay the 2024 membership fee of $130.00 for a full membership or $30 for a one-race provisional membership. Once you join, don't hesitate to contact your insurance agent for a certificate of insurance (COI) naming SARL LLC, 318 Inverness Drive, Trophy Club, Texas, 76262, as additional insured (sample request letter linked below). Email the COI to [email protected]. We will update the website membership roster to show receipt of your COI and verify your assigned race number. Please don’t wait, as race numbers can go quickly!

Let's Race!

Dave Anderson
SARL Chairman

Complete your membership application here - Member Registration
Pay for 2023 SARL Membership here - Membership Payment Page


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