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The Southern Nationals 125 Weekend Schedule @ KGRD
Friday Oct, 7, 2016
6:00-8:00 pm A south favorite will be served at the meet and great on the airport by the local EAA Chapter 1023. The dinner will be a Low Country Boil with shrimp. So if you have a seafood allergy please let us know so we may provide another option for you.
You will be able to pre-register at that time
We will offer shuttle service to and from the hotel.
Saturday Oct, 8, 2016
7:00-9:30 Registrations.
10:00 MANDATORY Pilot’s Briefing at the FBO conference room.
10:30 Pilots to aircraft
11:00 Begin Race
Lunch will be served as the racers return.
2:00 Awards will be presented
(Weather could extend times but no more than 1 hour. )
Baymont Inn & Suites
109 Enterprise Ct, Greenwood, SC 29649
(864) 942-0002
Room rate will be 59.99 plus tax a night you will need to call them directly for this rate and tell them you are with the Air Race.
Camping is permitted at the airport but is primitive.
We will provide shuttle service to and from the hotel.
I will be available at anytime for late arrivals if needed and always happy to help anyway I can.
Richard Kaczmarek
[email protected]
This is a Sport Air Racing League Championship Point Sanctioned Event
Pilots MUST BE LEAGUE MEMBERS to participate.
1. Annual League Membership $50
becoming a Member: join here and pay online
2. Provisional Membership $10 (One race, one time)
Pay at event check in/registration cash or check only
$40 Payable cash or check only at Registration/check in.
Current regular members…click on I am racing link. You are instantly entered.
Non-members…Click on Non-Member link, fill in form and pay fees at event.
Flying is VFR ONLY in strict adherence to all FAR’s.Insurance is required
RACE NUMBERS are licensed annually to regular League members. Provisional members may use any unlicensed number they wish.
If the last few numbers or letters of your N# are not licensed these may be used.
Display of Race Numbers on Aircraft is encouraged but not mandatory.
If race numbers are on aircraft they should be well defined and 12-18 inches high.
Displaying numbers on tail, under wings or on fuselage are most effective and positioning will depend on type of aircraft being flown.
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