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For the tenth year Sport League cross country air racing is coming to Terrell Municipal Airport, Terrell, TX. After rescheduling due to the Covid 19 Virus we are set to celebrate and race September 12, 2020 and be able to handle whatever the situation is at that time. The City of Terrell will NOT be holding their Educational Event with us this year. They have however, given a hearty welcome to the air racers. Not only will this be the first air race of 2020 but will be the 10th annual air race held at KTRL.
The first Sport League Air Race at KTRL took place in 2011. The new terminal had not been built yet and all the activity centered at Hardins FBO. There were a couple of names for the event and then in 2015
the event was renamed to honor Mark Hardin. Mark’s life passion was aviation. He learned to fly in 1975 at Terrell Municipal Airport. He met his wife Melissa at the airport when she was taking flying lessons. They have two children, Michael and Christine were raised with the Terrell airport Family. Mark worked at the airport from 1985 until he and Melissa purchased the FBO in 1994. During Mark’s flight career he flew corporate, flew private families and appeared in air shows. He was a top mechanic and leader in the world of the Ercoupe owners and restorers. His name became synonymous with the Terrell Municipal Airport. Today Michael and Melissa continue the family owned and operated FBO providing maintenance and flight instruction. They are proud to have the Memorial air race renamed in honor of Mark. He would say, “Fly Low, Fly Fast, Turn Left!”
This is a very special event with many special recognitions and awards planned. The Sport Air Racing League Hall of Fame will be on display. There will be our usual “People’s Choice” trophy. All the racers and volunteers take part in the voting. Racers receive an event T shirt and race decal, a commemorative coffee mug, event wrist bands and a “loaded” Goody Bag.
The Mark Hardin Trophy will be presented to a race participant who shows the spirit of Mark Embodied: a sense of fair play, true camaraderie and supporter of aviation. The recipient of this award is selected by Mellissa and Mike Hardin.
There are many special prizes and awards….some familiar, some not. The event Mascot, Penelope the Flying Pig will go home with a lucky racer. Her cousin “Prop Wash” the Pig goes home with the slowest racer.
There are trophies in all classes and Top Speed cups for Gold, Silver and Bronze in categories.
This is an event not to be missed. Gather with your racing friends, welcome new pilots into the fold, take home a “plane load” of swag and FLY LIKE A CHAMPION!!!! You have held the banner high for General Aviation.
The race will be offering some merchandise for sale. Event T shirts and shirts for children, coffee mugs, aviation themed jewelry, model airplanes, plush animals in pilot gear, magnets, decals and more.
A true gala celebration is planned.
Racers will have all their meals provided. Those arriving Friday will gather in the evening for dinner and on Saturday things will start with coffee and donuts, snacks and more and then lunch after the race.
A special invitation goes out to all Ercoupe owner/pilots to come and celebrate and honor Mark Hardin.
All you need to be part of this exciting event is a current pilot’s license and a fixed wing propeller driven aircraft. Camaraderie abounds. Rookie racers are immediately taken into the fold and given all the support they could want. The race is safe and fair. Flying is VFR only in strict adherence to all FAR’s. Aircraft launch in speed order, fastest first and fly a round robin 130nm course and there is a “short” course for aircraft with a top speed under 100mph or limited range. Aircraft are timed individually and compete in equitable classes. The goal is to cover the course in the fastest time. Pilots employ all their cross country flying skills. A race plane may be a family Cessna or an experimental built by the pilot or a venerable War Bird. Pilots have an amazing test bed for their aircraft and a way to hone their piloting skills.
SPORT AIR RACING LEAGUE CLASSES AND RULES APPLY. Annual Championship Points are awarded in those classes to League members. Classes are divided in three categories: Experimental, Factory and Heavy Metal. Classes are then determined by engine induction, cubic inch displacement, horsepower, gear configuration and all must be fixed wing and propeller driven.
ANNUAL MEMBERSHIP is $25. Join at www.sportairrace.org
The HANDICAP CLASS is once again offered. Sport League points are not offered for this class. This class is open to non turbine powered aircraft that allow a check pilot full view and access to all controls. This type of racing has the pilot flying against their own top speed. It is a matter of pilot skill. All planes are in the same class. And is scored at the same time as the Sport League classes. Fly one race course and one entry fee will cover as many classes as you wish to participate in. HANDICAP racers must complete a handicap validation flight prior to arriving at the start. If this in not done there will be validation flights on Friday Sept. 10 weather permitting. These must be scheduled in advance with Ken Krebaum,email krebaum.rr.tx.com. Full instructions will be sent upon entry or request. The winner of this class will have their name engraved on the perpetual “Pathfinder” trophy.
CHALLENGE CLASSES are offered. These do not award Sport League points but a Class is made when there are 3or more aircraft of the same make/model. These Challenge Classes give models that a not highly competitive in their sanctioned classes a chance to run hear to hear with the same planes.
Exception are the Vans RVs as they have their own set of equitable classes.
RACE ENTRY FEE $40 Cash or check only paid at registration. This one fee is for all classes a pilot wishes to participate in and includes a co-pilot.
All the chain hotels are within 3 miles of the airport. None are offering special rates but are all very reasonably priced.
We endeavor to provide courtesy transportation but it is limited.
Contact FBO for Enterprise car rentals. 972-534-1601
Please feel free to contact Patricia Purcell with any questions and more information or to enter.
[email protected]
Those wishing to enlist the Handicap Validation Check Pilot for a validation flight, contact Ken Krebaum via email. Ken is based at Aero Country, McKinney, TX. He will fly with you before and on Friday Sept 11 by appointment.
[email protected]
Be a member of the Sport Air Racing League for point awards
Private Pilot Certificate or higher (or student pilot with their instructor) or meet the requirements of LSA
Hold a current medical or meet the requirements of LSA
Meet the requirements of FAR 61:56 and 61:57.
Aircraft must be propeller driven, piston or turbine powered, fixed wing.
Possess a valid airworthiness certificate.
Have evidence of a current annual inspection
Be two-way radio equipped.
Have a range to fly race route with reserve at full power.
Have insurance coverage
Additional crew/passengers may be carried but only one licensed pilot is required.
Pilots must be familiar with and ready to fly the race route prior to arriving at the start.
All information and procedures are available on the race web site and in hard copy.
A complete and thorough mandatory briefing will be given at the start of the event.
Registration packets will contain hard copies of all course instructions.
Aircraft should have a Race Number on the aircraft but it is not mandatory to participate.
The race number should be on both sides of the aircraft if possible.
Numbers need to be 18” high by 12” wide with the number segments 3” wide.
Color should stand out from aircraft color and be outlined as necessary as to be visible. Variations are accepted.
Permanently affixed numbers and the usage of two or three digit N# numerals if they are of the required size are acceptable.
Numbers on the fuselage and/or under the wings are acceptable.
Check in as soon as practical on arrival at start. At this time you must sign “Release of Liability” and pay fees.
Fuel and park in designated spot and have your aircraft ready for race start prior to briefing.
All pilot briefings are MANDATORY. If you are not briefed you will not participate.
Ensuring compliance with all Federal Aviation Regulations and Grace Flight Air Race rules.
Ensuring sufficient fuel is carried for flying the event and a safe reserve.
Have all occupants of aircraft sign a “Release of Liability”.
Be a member of the Sport Air Racing League for point awards.
Race VFR is defined as no less than 1000’ ceiling and 3 miles or greater visibility. En route flying will be at a minimum altitude of 500’AGL or in compliance with the FAR’s, whichever is higher.
Engines may not be started until directed by Race Official.
Taxi and take off as directed by controlling facility/individual.
Take off will be in speed order, fastest first.
If unable to start as directed, you may go to the back of the line.
If you must land during the race or do not complete the course, notify a race official as soon as possible that you have aborted.
If an emergency has been declared and a racer is down the aircraft following the downed aircraft is asked to fly cover to assist in rescue.
The race will be cancelled at this point and racers on the course will return to the start airport.
15 seconds for not following briefing or procedure instructions, specifically cutting inside a turn point.
Disqualification if Federal Aviation Regulations are violated.
Disqualification if the timing line is not flown.
Safety maneuvers will not be penalized.
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