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Air Race Coordinates Long Course
Texas Gulf Coast Regional Airport – Long Course approximate 174.16SM (151.3 NM)
Start taking off to the South:
29° 5'56.51"N 95°27'43.13"W
29° 5.942'N 95°27.719'W
10.7 SM to Turn 1 9.3 NM TO Turn 1
Start taking off to the North:
29° 7' 5.51"N 95° 27' 43.59"W
29° 7.092'N 95° 27.727'W
11.75 SM to Turn 1 10.2 NM to Turn 1
Eagle Air Park Turn 1:
28°58'57.82"N 95°34'47.75"W
28°58.964'N 95°34.796'W
17 SM to Turn 2 14.8 NM to Turn 2
Bay City Airport Turn 2:
28°58'24.80"N 95°51'39.01"W
28°58.413'N 95°51.650'W
17.5 SM to Turn 3 15.2 NM to Turn 3
Cooling Lake at Power Plant Turn 3:
28°47'0.74"N 96° 3'7.53"W
28°47.012'N 96° 3.126'W
12.9 SM to Turn 4 11.2 NM to Turn 4
Palacios Airport Turn 4:
28°43'28.38"N 96°15'16.33"W
28°43.473'N 96°15.272'W
9.16 SM to Turn 5 7.9 NM to Turn 5
Canal at Palacios Point Turn 5:
28°35'35.37"N 96°13'51.97"W
28°35.590'N 96°13.866'W
36.2 SM to Turn 6 31.5 NM to Turn 6
East End of Matagorda Bay Turn 6:
28°44'45.51"N 95°39'39.99"W
28°44.759'N 95°39.667'W
25.7 SM to Turn 7 22.3 NM to Turn 7
Surfside Jetty Turn 7:
28°55'40.21"N 95°17'26.47"W
28°55.670'N 95°17.441'W
20.2 SM to Turn 8 17.6 NM to Turn 8
Isla Del Sol Water Tower Turn 8:
29° 8'0.32"N 95° 3'11.14"W
29° 8.005'N 95° 3.186'W
24 SM to Finish Line 21 NM to Finish Line
Stephen F. Austin Statue Finish Line:
29° 9'1.84"N 95°27'3.86"W
29° 9.031'N 95°27.064'W
Air Race Coordinates Short Course
Texas Gulf Coast Regional Airport –Short Course approximately 73.6 SM (63.9 NM)
Start taking off to the South:
29° 5'56.51"N 95°27'43.13"W
29° 5.942'N 95°27.719'W
10.7 SM to Turn 1 9.3 NM TO Turn 1
Start taking off to the North:
29° 7' 5.51"N 95° 27' 43.59"W
29° 7.092'N 95° 27.727'W
11.75 SM to Turn 1 10.2 NM to Turn 1
Eagle Air Park Turn 1:
28°58'57.82"N 95°34'47.75"W
28°58.964'N 95°34.796'W
17.9 SM to Turn 7 15.6 NM to Turn 7
Surfside Jetty Turn 7:
28°55'40.21"N 95°17'26.47"W
28°55.670'N 95°17.441'W
20.2 SM to Turn 8 17.6 NM to Turn 8
Isla Del Sol Water Tower Turn 8:
29° 8'0.32"N 95° 3'11.14"W
29° 8.005'N 95° 3.186'W
24.8 SM to Finish Line 21.6 NM to Finish Line
Stephen F. Austin Statue Finish Line:
29° 9'1.84"N 95°27'3.86"W
29° 9.031'N 95°27.064'W
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