Results By Speed
Race # | Name | Aircraft | Class | Elapsed Time | Speed (MPH) | Speed (KTS) |
Race 14 | Wayne Hadath | F1 Rocket | Sport FX | 0:36:34 | 244.32 | 212.31 |
Race 73 | Steve Hammer | Glasair I TD | FX Blue | 0:37:04 | 241.02 | 209.44 |
Race 105 | Peter Malone | Radial Rocket | Sport | 0:39:11 | 228.00 | 198.13 |
Race 411 | Jeff Barnes | RV-6 | RV Gold | 0:40:06 | 222.79 | 193.60 |
Race 22 | Sam Hoskins | Quickie 200 | Sprint | 0:42:38 | 209.55 | 182.10 |
Race 118 | Ken Krebaum | RV-8 | RV Blue | 0:42:40 | 209.39 | 181.95 |
Race 83 | Dave Adams | Long EZ | Sprint | 0:42:59 | 207.85 | 180.61 |
Race 355 | John Martino | Mustang II | FX Blue | 0:43:11 | 206.88 | 179.78 |
Race 8 | Scott Torneten | Long EZ | Sprint | 0:46:34 | 191.85 | 166.72 |
Race 59 | Steve McBride | A36 Bonanza | FAC1RG | 0:47:09 | 189.48 | 164.65 |
Race 05 | Vernon Drury | RV-7A | RV Blue | 0:47:12 | 189.28 | 164.48 |
Race 25 | Leif Johnson | Varieze | Sprint | 0:47:57 | 186.32 | 161.91 |
Race 98 | John Keich | Midget Mustang1 | Sprint | 0:50:07 | 178.26 | 154.91 |
Race 11 | Les Burril | Midget Mustang1 | Sprint | 0:50:27 | 177.09 | 153.88 |
Race 543 | Mike Clarke | RV-7 | RV Blue | 0:51:32 | 173.36 | 150.65 |
Race 211 | Larry Flesner | KR2 | Sprint | 0:54:39 | 163.48 | 142.06 |
Race 55 | Team Ely | Grumman AA5A | FAC5FX | 0:56:10 | 159.06 | 138.22 |
Race 127 | Kent Sherrow | Cherokee 180E Nxx79 | FAC4FX | 1:03:57 | 139.70 | 121.40 |
Race 100 | Vic Vicari | Sonex WAIEX | Sprint | 1:04:54 | 137.66 | 119.62 |
Race 79 | Gary Lynch | Cherokee 180 | FAC4FX | 1:08:03 | 131.29 | 114.08 |
Race 53 | William Dubois | Ercoupe 415-CD | FAC6 | 0:58:46 | 114.68 | 99.66 |
Race 23 | Dan Bean | C-150K | FAC6 | 1:00:40 | 111.09 | 96.54 |
Race 132 | Mark Bybee | Kitfox 4 | E-LSA | 1:11:34 | 94.17 | 81.83 |
Race 6 | Pete Polete | RV-10 | RV Gold | DNF |
* Special kudos go to Les Burril for flying top cover for Pete's abort, until he saw they were OK and then he continued the course, turning in a much slower speeds than his usual.
Les chose helping a fellow racer over a better place in class.
That's alllllllllll right.
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