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We are back at KLBX for the second year after a rain out in 2021. Once again Texas Gulf Coast Regional will be rolling out the Red Carpet for the racers. Jeff Bilyeu, airport manager and his trusted right hand, Amy and the entire staff will be hosting you like you are royalty. All activity, briefings, and awards will be held in the Terminal large conference room. Food is hosted by the airport and is available at the Runway Café.
The flying is VFR in strict adherence to all FAR’s. Aircraft need to be propeller driven and fixed wing. There is a class for everyone and are offered in three categories: Experimental, Factory and Heavy Metal. Classes are determined by engine horsepower and cubic inch displacement and induction, and gear configuration and number of engines. Pilots and aircraft must be legal to fly and are required to have liability insurance.
There will be trophies for Top Speed in Categories. The names of top speed winners will go on the perpetual plaque as well as name of the winner of the Handicap Class going on the perpetual trophy. The slowest run of the day will win much coveted “Tail Spin Tommy” award. Look for more special prizes and awards.
Classes offered:
Due to the small number of races this year (4 so far and only 2 members) the annual point Championship may or may not happen. I am keeping points from the 2022 sanctioned races. Remember you have to be a League member to get points. If we make a Championship, I will be awarding at the last race of the season.
for 3 or more of the same make/model aircraft. Say you love to race but you fly a Piper Lance. You are in the same class as a Bonanza with like engine. Unless you have a JATO rocket attached to your Piper Lance, there is no way you can out run a Bonanza. “Challenge” others with the same plane as yours for a chance to win.
This is not a League sanctioned class so there are no Championship points awarded. Open to all aircraft that can carry a check pilot who has full view and access to all instrument and engine controls on a handicap validation flight prior to race arrival. Aircraft will fly a handicap validation flight to determine their top speed and then they fly against that speed. When you enter you will receive all the instructions and forms. When you race you want to go as fast as you can. But how fast you actually cover the course will depend on your skill. You need to fly the best you can to try to equal or better your handicap. If your handicap is 160knots and you flew 158 knots your score is a minus 2. Over 160knots is a plus score. A Cessna 150 has an even chance over a Cirrus. No extra charge for this class.
There is a NEW COURSE for 2022. This distance will be a bit shorter than before. Mike Shahan, Galveston airport manager, has put this together for us. It is a really good course. Start will be on the airport and finish off airport (not the Statue as before).
Racers will be asked to have a GPS track or other way of presenting their race track after the race. My gps trackers are not able to have their software updated. Spotters will be used at the turns dependent on having volunteers. If you run alone in your class, then no need to check your course. Exception is top speed award pilots with very close scores.
If you want to have a really good time being part of this event: register entrants, manage the ramp, wave the start flag, turn spotters, timers.
A handicap check pilot is needed Fri and Sat morning early. Handicaps need to be done before arrival but we will try to have a check pilot available as above. *Must be set up ASAP.
CONTACT: Pat Purcell [email protected].
Cash or check…limited credit card
Entry fee $50 for pilots Co Pilots $25
Costs have sky rocketed. In the past, Co Pilots were given all perks as Pilots with
no charge. I must charge this year.
All receive event t-shirt, buttons, swag, food, prizes.
FBO: 979-849-5755
Budget and Avis Rental car office in Terminal 979-849-2066
Limited Courtesy car
There are no special air racer rates.
Many hotels within 10 minutes from airport.
Pat Purcell has stayed at Comfort Suites 979-297-5545
Was satisfied and only 10 minutes from airport
The airport suggests:
Courtyard by Marriot 979-297-7300
Stay Bridge Suites 979-286-977
Runway Café on airport. Very highly rated.
Patricia Purcell [email protected] 903-564-9410 903-815-4959 (cell) Please feel free to contact at any time.
Sport Air Racing League: www.sportairrace.org
****Links to the Sport League Sanctioned Classes
EXPERIMENTAL www.sportairrace.org/sarl/node/4
FACTORY www.sportairrace.org/sarl/node/5
HEAVY METAL www.sportairrace.org/sarl/node/6
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