The 2024 Sunrise 100 is a 148 nm race in length, with just 5 turns. Designed for speed and to see what you and your plane can really do.
The Course:
On the start: If the winds dictate a Western departure, the clock will start as you pass the departure end of runway 31. DO NOT turn on course until you have passed the end of the runway.
If the winds dictate an Eastern departure, then you will launch and take your start time at the departure end of runway 13. Prior to take off roll, racers will make a radio call of “Race XX rolling” on 123.000. After the first racer calls rolling, each racer following will hold for a count of 30 before starting their race. As you pass over the runway numbers call "Race xx Start" on 123.000 to verify the start order is still intact, and to make sure the timers get the start time associated with the correct aircraft. Departing the airport traffic area, switch to 122.900 for the first turn.
Turn 1
Turn 1 is Thomson-McDuffie Co. ( HQU )
Turn point is the center of the FBO building
Minimum turn altitude is 1,300 feet
Turn frequency is 122.800
Turn 2
Turn 2 is Washington-Wilkes Co. ( IIY )
Turn point is the center of the FBO building
Minimum turn altitude is 1,400 feet
Turn frequency is 122.700
Turn 3
Turn 3 Greene Co RGNL ( 3J7 )
Turn point is the FBO building
Minimum turn altitude is 1,400 feet
Turn frequency is 122.800
Turn 4
Turn 4 is Baldwin Co ( MLJ )
Turn point is the Western most building in the ramp area
Minimum turn altitude is 1,200 feet
Turn frequency is 122.800
All racers need to call 5 miles to finish on 123.000
Finish is Kaolin Field Airport ( KOKZ )
The finish line is the last hangar on the ramp across from the FBO.
As you pass this point, make your finish call on 123.000 - "Race xx finish"
If you require a cool down, maneuver South of the field and orbit above pattern altitude, otherwise continue and make a left crosswind to left downwind to runway 31. After securing your aircraft please report in to race central in the FBO.
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