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2018 League Standings!

League Standings By Points.

Race # Pilot Aircraft Class Season Points
Race 390 Jerry Hajek RV-8 RV Gold 565
Race 3 Steve Hammer Lancair IV Sport 540
Race 83 Dave Adams Long EZ Sprint 530
Race 503 Ed Faciszewski RV-8 RV Blue 490
Race 200 Jamon Pruitt Meyers 200D FAC1RG 460
Race 68 Jaden Stapleton Eagle-150B FAC6 460
Race 118 Ken Krebaum RV-8 RV Blue 445
Race 49 Ashley Wade Meyers 200A FAC2RG 420
Race 35 Charles Cluck M35 Bonanza FAC1RG 400
Race 3 Jerry Peck Long EZ FX Red 300
Race 9 Ted Miller RV-9 RV Red 300
Race 91 Bruce Hammer Glasair 1 TD FX Blue 300
Race 98 John Keich Midget Mustang Sprint 250
Race 51 Johnnie Painter RV-4 RV Blue 225
Race 35x Dove Rameriz C-150J FAC6 225
Race 456 AnnElise Bennett Cessna 182 FAC3FX 210
Race 27 Jim Wilson RV-8 RV Gold 210
Race 14 Wayne Hadath F1 Rocket Sport FX 200
Race 84 Russel and Rhea Sherwood Glasair I RG RG Blue 200
Race 32 Mike Patey Lancair Legacy Turbine 200
Race 8 Scott Torneten Long EZ Sprint 160
Race 76 Jason Rovey RV-8 RV gold 140
Race 26 Mike Thompson RV-6 RV Blue 140
Race 9 Tony Crawford Questair Venture Sport FX 130
Race 25 Leif Johnson Varieze Sprint 130
Race 207 Dane Pruitt Cessna 120 FAC6 110
Race 201 Tyler Fox Mooney M20E FAC3RG 100
Race 24 Bob James Lancair 320 RG Red 100
Race 66 Kent Hulick Mustang II FX Blue 100
Race 11 Les Burril Mustang II RG Red 100
Race 8 John von Linsowe RV-7 RV Blue 100
Race 53 William Dubois Ercoupe FAC6 100
Race 12 Mark Frederick EVO Rocket Sport FX 100
Race 60 Marv Wessel Lancair ES Sport FX 100
Race 701 Doug Eastman Sorrell Hiperbipe Biplane Blue 100
Race 40 Chip Mapoles Glasair III Sport 100
Race 82 Eric Hansen Glasair III Sport 80
Race 1 Henry Punzi Mooney 201 FAC1RG 80
Race 80 Jeff Anderson F35 Bonanza FAC3RG 80
Race 17 Bill Hempel RV-7 RV Gold 80
Race 36 John Flynn Glasair III Sport 80
Race 77 JT Racing RV-6 RV Blue 70
Race 31 Jim Ivey RV-8 RV Blue 70

League Standings By Class.

Race # Pilot Aircraft Class Season Points
Race 32 Mike Patey Lancair Legacy Turbine 200
Race 3 Steve Hammer Lancair IV Sport 540
Race 40 Chip Mapoles Glasair III Sport 100
Race 36 John Flynn Glasair III Sport 80
Race 14 Wayne Hadath F1 Rocket Sport FX 200
Race 9 Tony Crawford Questair Venture Sport FX 130
Race 12 Mark Frederick EVO Rocket Sport FX 100
Race 60 Marv Wessel Lancair ES Sport FX 100
Race 84 Russel and Rhea Sherwood Glasair I RG RG Blue 200
Race 24 Bob James Lancair 320 RG Red 100
Race 11 Les Burril Mustang II RG Red 100
Race 91 Bruce Hammer Glasair 1 TD FX Blue 300
Race 66 Kent Hulick Mustang II FX Blue 100
Race 3 Jerry Peck Long EZ FX Red 300
Race 390 Jerry Hajek RV-8 RV Gold 565
Race 27 Jim Wilson RV-8 RV Gold 210
Race 76 Jason Rovey RV-8 RV gold 140
Race 503 Ed Faciszewski RV-8 RV Blue 490
Race 118 Ken Krebaum RV-8 RV Blue 445
Race 51 Johnnie Painter RV-4 RV Blue 225
Race 26 Mike Thompson RV-6 RV Blue 140
Race 8 John von Linsowe RV-7 RV Blue 100
Race 77 JT Racing RV-6 RV Blue 70
Race 31 Jim Ivey RV-8 RV Blue 70
Race 9 Ted Miller RV-9 RV Red 300
Race 83 Dave Adams Long EZ Sprint 530
Race 98 John Keich Midget Mustang Sprint 250
Race 8 Scott Torneten Long EZ Sprint 160
Race 25 Leif Johnson Varieze Sprint 130
Race 701 Doug Eastman Sorrell Hiperbipe Biplane Blue 100
Race 200 Jamon Pruitt Meyers 200D FAC1RG 460
Race 35 Charles Cluck M35 Bonanza FAC1RG 400
Race 49 Ashley Wade Meyers 200A FAC2RG 420
Race 201 Tyler Fox Mooney M20E FAC3RG 100
Race 456 AnnElise Bennett Cessna 182 FAC3FX 210
Race 68 Jaden Stapleton Eagle-150B FAC6 460
Race 35x Dove Rameriz C-150J FAC6 225
Race 207 Dane Pruitt Cessna 120 FAC6 110
Race 53 William Dubois Ercoupe FAC6 100

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