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2015 PBMC Air Race Information

PBMC Course Information

Pappy Boyington Memorial Cup
Coeur d’Alene, Idaho
September 5, 2015


Friday, September 4 Arrival Day:
1:00 PM to 5:00 PM Registration, Cash/Check only no credit cards please.

There will be a $40 race fee (cash or check only.)
Entrants must be members of Sport Air Racing League, membership may be paid on line.
If you are just going to try this racing thing on for size, you may purchase a one race provisional membership for an additional $10 at race site.

For ground transportation call Brent or Kristi Travis at 208-691-7472 or 208-691-7473. We will make at least one GMC Suburban available to race pilots as a courtesy car. There may be other shuttle options as well to the hotel/motel/restaurant. Rental cars are also available at the airport with prior reservations.

I recommend that you make your reservations for lodging as early as possible because Coeur d’Alene is a fantastic place to visit and is a destination resort town. There are lots of options for hotels. I did reserve a block of 8 rooms at the local Super 8 – (800) 800-8000 for $60 per night not including taxes... Continental breakfast is included. The room confirmation number is 97606262, and is under Rays Air (as in Race, Air. Failure to communicate. ) The rooms can be reserved up until September 3, 4 pm. Normal rate is $125.

5:00 PM to 8:00 PM Meet and greet at Brent’s hangar. We will barbecue and have a good time.

Saturday, September 5, Race Day!

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