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Please cut and paste the below text into an email, add your
personal details, and send it to your insurance agent. When you
receive the COI from your agent, please email it
to [email protected], and the league membership page
will be updated, indicating we have received it.
Dear Insurance Agent,
I am writing to request a certificate of insurance for participation in the 2024 cross-country race season of the Sport Air Racing League (not a closed course pylon racing league, no close formation or deviation from FAA regulations). The details required on the certificate of insurance and applicable endorsements as per the official SARL LLC race rules are listed below. Please ensure that all items are present and that additional insured are listed.
SARL LLC Certificate of Insurance Requirements:
Each pilot will obtain and maintain an occurrence-based insurance policy or policies providing the following coverages:
1. Aircraft Liability Insurance in the amount of not less than $1,000,000.
2. Additional insured status as follows: SARL LLC, 318 Inverness Drive, Trophy Club, Texas, 76262, their affiliates, and the respective directors, officers, employees, members, contractors, and volunteers of each of those entities.
Thank you for your help with this matter.
Your Name
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