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Start: 0I8 Cynthiana, KY 122.8
Turn 1: 27K Georgetown (38.23*N/84.45*W) 123.0
Turn 2: KIOB Mt. Sterling (38.06*N/83.98*W) 122.8
Turn 3: KFGX Fleming-Mason (38.54*N/83.75*W) 123.0
Finish: 0I8 Cynthiana, KY 122.8
Start as directed. Call your start on frequency 122.8 ("Race 5, rolling"). If departing to the northwest, make your turn on course before switching to frequency 123.0. You must cross the end of the runway before turning or incur a time penalty.
Turn 1: (27K, Georgetown) Turn frequency is 123.0
Turn altitude is a minimum of 2100 feet.
Switch to frequency 122.8 after leaving the vicinity.
Turn 2: (KIOB Mt Sterling)
Turn frequency is 122.8
Turn altitude is a minimum of 2200 feet.
Switch to 123.0 after leaving the vicinity
Turn 3: (KFGX, Fleming-Mason);
Turn frequency is 123.0.
Minimum altitude is 2100 ft
Switch to 122.8 after leaving the vicinity.
Finish: (0I8, Cynthiana) Call on 122.8 at 5 miles out ("Race 5 is 5 miles out") and repeat at 1 mile out. The finish point is the junction of the taxiways. Finish altitude is a minimum for 1900 ft.
Be alert for planes approaching the finish on the long course!
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