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The race is to be held at Terrell, TX, KTRL.
9:00 Registration Opens
10:00 Pilot Briefing
$50 entry fee includes, pilot tshirt, box lunch and trophies for the top 3 finishers in each class.
Email Dave Anderson, Race Director at [email protected] with any questions.
I Am Racing!
Long Course Information
Short Course Information
Race Dinner!
Friday Evening, May 24th, 6:00 PM
Los Hermanos Restaurant
1500 W. Moore Ave, Terrell, TX 75160
Race Day Schedule Forthcoming
Who's In
Race # | Name | Aircraft | Class | Certificate of Insurance |
Race 3 | Steve Hammer | Lancair IV | Sport | Yes |
Race 21 | Alan Crawford | Lancair Legacy | Sport | Yes |
Race 91 | Bruce Hammer | Glasair 1TD | Sport FX | Yes |
Race 13 | James Redmon | Berkut 360 | RG Blue | Yes |
Race 28 | Greg Mahler | Lancair 360 | RG Blue | Yes |
Race 27 | Jim Wilson | RV-8 | RV Gold | Yes |
Race 17 | Bryan Weinzettle | RV-7 | RV Blue | Yes |
Race 64 | Bill Anton | RV-4 | RV Blue | Yes |
Race 48 | Larry Bradshaw | RV-6 | RV Red | Yes |
Race 4 | Michael Satchell | Cozy MK IV | FX Gold | Yes |
Race 59 | Dave Anderson | Long EZ | FX Red | Yes |
Race 83 | Dave Adams | Long EZ | FX Red | Yes |
Race 11 | Les Burril | Midget Mustang | Sprint | Yes |
Race 90 | Rene Dugas | GB1 Gamebird | FAC1FX | Yes |
Race 456 | AnnElise Bennett | Cessna 182 | FAC3FX | Yes |
Race 0T | Andy Jones | Cessna 172 | FAC5FX | Yes |
Race 68 | Jaden Stapleton | Eagle 150B | FAC6 | Yes |
Area Hotels
Red Roof Inn Terrell
1614 Highway 34 S, Terrell, TX, US
(937) 328-4840
Quality Inn
103 Mira Pl
Terrell, TX 75160
(972) 524-5590
Holiday Inn Express
300 Tanger Dr
Terrell, TX 75160
(972) 563-7888
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