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Date: Saturday, May 11, 2024 10:00am - Mandatory Pilot Briefing
Where: Cynthiana, KY 0I8 (zero-india-eight)
Eligibility: Any pilot with a current SARL membership and COI. A provisional membership is acceptable as long as this is your first race and you have a COI on file with SARL (see SportAirRace.org for membership information)
Hotel: We have reserved rooms at the Super 8 in Georgetown under the name Bluegrass 150. The discounted rate is $79 . Be sure to have them look under Bluegrass 150 to get the discounted rate. You can cancel up to 48 hours before check in. If the race must be postponed, it will be PRIOR to this 48 hour cut off. For reservations, call 502-863-4888.
Camping is encouraged! The FBO has nice bathrooms with showers and a kitchen with a refrigerator and microwave.
Friday, May 10
4:00pm - 6:00pm: registration desk open for pilots to register for the race and pick up information packets
6:00pm: Dinner served at the EAA hangar
6:00pm - 9:00pm : shuttles will run on a set schedule to hotel
Saturday, May 11
7:30am - first shuttle leaves hotel, they will continue to run on schedule until 9:00am
7:30am - 9:30am - registration desk open to pilots
8:00am - breakfast at the EAA hangar
7:30am - 9:30am - registration desk open to pilots
10:00am - MANDATORY pilot briefing in the FBO
11:00 am - Race start
12:30 pm - Lunch
1:30pm - Awards ceremony
Race entry fee: $50. We will be able to accept Venmo, Zelle, cash or checks. Please note that your SARL membership can NOT be paid at the race. Membership MUST be purchased in advance.
Zelle: make payments to 859-391-1235
Venmo: make payments to @Donna-Wilson-Parr
Checks: payable to Jim Wilson
If you have questions, please contact Jim Wilson at 859-391-1235
The Bluegrass 150 Race Rules:
This is a fun, informal race. The intent is NOT to win at all costs but to compete against your friends in a safe environment with good sportsmanship.
1. All planes must be deemed airworthy as described in the FARs
2. All pilots must be certificated and current as described in the FARs. All pilots must have a COI on file with SARL. Student pilots may race with their CFI as long as the membership and insurance requirements are met.
3. Each aircraft must have its race number prominently displayed on the side of the fuselage and/or the underside of the wing. Provisional members may use their N number.
4. Please email a photo of your aircraft along with the type of aircraft and your race number to [email protected] by May
5. We would like to provide this information to all the pilots to streamline the taxi process and make identification easier for our timers. If you ran the BG 150 last year, I still have your information.
6. Racers will launch and recover at 0I8.
7. Elapsed time on the courses will determine the winners of each class.
8. Both the long and short race courses and turns will be discussed in detail at the mandatory pilot's briefing.
9. All turns must be made around an established point. A turn missed by more than a mile will result in disqualification. A turn missed by less than a mile will incur a 15 second penalty. DO NOT attempt to turn back and make a missed turn. This is dangerous and will result in disqualification!
10. To minimize passing, racers will launch in order from fastest aircraft to slowest. If you need to pass, the overtaking plane should pass on the right after announcing its position and intentions on the correct CTAF. Pilots must always maintain visual separation. Passing on a turn point should be done on the outside of the turn. Again, communication is key! Make sure the slower pilot knows where you are and what you're doing!
11. Any maneuver or action during the race that is deemed unsafe will result in disqualification.
We look forward to welcoming all racers to our home airport 0I8 in Cynthiana, KY!
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