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Lots of photos from Jeff Barnes here.
"From practice run day before, Me and Bob went out that evening. Very nice course, even without Grand Coulee Dam.
And Ephrata is where the firefighting movie ALWAYS was filmed. The PBY and the main hangar were two of the stars. Ephrata is also a famous Aerobatic and Glider Competition venue.
Serious WX crossing Montana south to north.
I thought Bob Axsom was lost because he did not show up at Sheridan. We didn't know his computer crashed and it was the first time in a year that Racer Bob wasn't keeping for us a very active email group with his daily postings.
I made it through to Sheridan WY, where Bob always stayed, he stopped at Three Forks - not having a WX enabled GPS (he had Garmin 695, I have a 696). I was worried, but he pulled in the next morning as I was pulling out. Whew !
Enjoy ! That's all I have for GNAR 2013 - Great Northwest Air Race 2013.
Jeff Barnes"
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