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What: Fun-Based Cross Country Air Race
When: Saturday October 19th, 2024 – 13:30 Mandatory Pilot's Briefing
Where: Jasper, TX (KJAS)
Who: Anyone with an Airplane
TWO VERY SIGNIFICANT CHANGES to SARL races will be that all race participants must be paid members of the race league, as a full or provisional member, and all racers must add SARL LLC as an additional insured party on their pilot liability policy, submitting a certificate of insurance (COI) BEFORE their first race. This is usually a simple and free process that your agent should be able to do for you.
October 18 -
- 18:00 Early arrival sign-ups. Hangar soirée w/ live music, Aljo's food truck, byob
- 18:30 to Midnight - Ghost Run Hangar Kick-Off Party / Fly-in
Saturday Schedule, October 19th
8:00 - Tony's Taco Hub will be on site for breakfast
10:30 - Morning Race Registration Sign-Ups
12:00 - Lunch - Tony's Taco Hub
13:30 - Race Brief
14:00 - Race Start
16:00 - Race Awards
1700 - Post awards people that want to hang out, camp out etc are welcome to stay and depart Sunday morning.
- Camping Allowed OB the field
- Enterprise will drop off cars from Emerald Club setup
- check with Belle Jim for rooms or with Ryan to reserve a room at the Swann Hotel (another historic hotel downtown)
A few notes about race. I recommend flying in on Friday evening as opposed to Saturday morning.
Our main reasoning for moving the race to an afternoon format is unpredictable fog that time of year.
It never fails despite the forecast saying clear morning, there is fog until 10-11am.
We can provide shuttles to hotels for any that need them. Enterprise is an option in town as well.
Race Entry fee is $60.00
Any questions please contact Ryan Boyette at (409) 201-5561
The Ghost Run Air Race Rules
This is an informal race and the intent is not to win at all costs, but instead to compete in the nature of good sportsmanship.
All FARs must be adhered to during the race.
1. All race planes must be airworthy as described in the FARs.
2. All pilots must be certificated and current as prescribed in the FARs. Student pilots may race with their CFI.
3. Each aircraft must have its Race Number prominently displayed on either side of the fuselage and/or on the under side of the wing.
Provisional entrants can use a portion of their N Number for identification.
4. All speeds and calculations will be in nautical and statute miles.
5. SARL classes and respective rules will apply.
6. Racers will launch and recover at KJAS.
7. Elapsed time over the course will determine the winner and placings within the respective classes.
8. Jasper airport (JAS) is the Start/ Finish line.
9. Race route will be explained at the mandatory briefing.
10. All turns must occur over a virtual “pylon” that will be explained in the briefing.
11. A shortcut (turn missed by more than one mile) will result in a disqualification.
A missed turn (track flown within one mile of the “pylon”) will result in a 15 second penalty. Missed turns WILL NOT be re-flown. To do so will be a DQ.
12. Competitors should monitor the respective CTAFs and the Race Advisory Frequency which is 123.45
13. In order to minimize passing, racers will start in descending order of top cruise speeds. Fastest first, slowest last.
14. Regarding passing, if the overtaking airplane is in close proximity (numbers can be made out) it should be on the right after announcing its position and intentions on the Race Advisory Frequency while maintaining visual separation.
Passing in a turn will be done on the outside of the turn. Starting order will be arranged to minimize passing.
15. Any maneuver or action during the race that is deemed unsafe or potentially unsafe will result in the disqualification of the competitor.
16. Briefing is mandatory.
Visit the Ghost Run Facebook Page - www.facebook.com/RaceGhostRun
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