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2023 Sunrise 100 Cross Country Challenge Information Page

The race is back on!

Air Race Course Information

The Sunrise 100 Schedule of Events @ KOKZ

TWO VERY SIGNIFICANT CHANGES to SARL races will be that all race participants must be paid members of the race league, as a full or provisional member, and all racers must add SARL LLC as an additional insured party on their pilot liability policy, submitting a certificate of insurance (COI) BEFORE their first race. This is usually a simple and free process that your agent should be able to do for you.

Friday, September, 8, 2023
6:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Meet and Greet dinner at KOKZ Airport hosted by Aviation Composites & Kaolin Aviation Services. You will be able to pre-register at that time and we will offer shuttle service to and from the local hotel.

Saturday, September, 9, 2023
7:00 am-10:00 am - Registration to race.
10:30 am - MANDATORY Pilot’s Briefing at the FBO Conference Room
11:00 am - Pilot’s to Aircraft
11:30 am - Begin Race
Lunch will be provided following race completion
2:00 pm - Presentation of Awards

Quality Inn
508 S. Harris St
Sandersville GA 31082

*Camping is permitted and welcomed at the airport, bathrooms and shower will be available in the FBO.

Shuttle services to and from the hotels will be provided. If you will be arriving late to the airport, please let Richard know of your approximate arrival time, if possible and we will do all humanly possible we can to make arrangements in getting you to the local hotel.

Host Contact Information:
Richard Kaczmarek 937-243-7303
Email: [email protected]

This is a Sport Air Racing League Championship Point Sanctioned Event

Race Entry Fee: $50
Cash or Check Only at Registration/Check In. This fee covers the race, meals and the competitor’s T-shirt.

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